Compiled by The AFP Executive
Here is the link to the pdf version of the prayers
Silence (AFP Beginning to Pray – P2)
Choose a way of entering your quiet time. One way could be to pray the Collect at the beginning of the Eucharist, “… God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration, ( i.e. breathing in) of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you…” (BAS, page 185) You may find it enough to say to God “Here I am.” After this, be silent, aware of your breathing and of the presence of God the Holy Spirit in your desire to pray. Silence can be prayer without words. You need not be afraid that God will force you to do anything against your will when you open yourself in this way. Offer God all your thoughts and feelings. Continue reading “Prayers for General Synod 2019”