Who We Are & Why We Exist

Serving, supporting, and encouraging prayer

The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Canada) exists to encourage and enable the ministry of prayer in Canada. It is inclusive of all forms of expressions of Christian church life, whether they be lay or clerical, catholic or evangelical, monastic or secular, formal or informal. AFP (Canada) seeks to be a teaching resource to assist both individuals and congregations to grow in the life of prayer. It seeks to increase and strengthen the companionship of Christian prayer throughout the world.

Membership in AFP (Canada) is open to all praying people who are drawn to the organization, and who desire to be part of a growing body of people of prayer. All members will regularly receive news and access to a wide variety of resources, as well as other prayer related items.

As the work of AFP (Canada) has no outside means of financial support, members are invited to invest in this important work with a gift of energy, prayers and money, sharing from the resources that God has given. Donations of all sizes are greatly appreciated and welcomed at any time of the year. Each one will be acknowledged with a tax receipt. Once a year, members will be provided with an update on the ministry of the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Canada) and invited to be a part of this important work.
Please see the Come Pray with Us page


The work of the AFP (Canada) is carried out by an Executive Committee, a National Director, Diocesan and Parish Representatives. The Diocesan Representatives are appointed by the Diocesan Bishop in consultation with the National Director and they may be clergy or laity. The National Director is the main ambassador of AFP (Canada), travelling across Canada meeting with diocesan bishops and representatives and other clergy and laity. They give workshops and talks encouraging the practice of prayer. The Diocesan Representatives do similar work on a smaller scale within their own dioceses. The Diocesan Representatives may also ask parish rectors to appoint parish prayer representatives. The Executive Committee supports the work of the National Directors and Diocesan Representatives by looking after the finances and resources of the organization, developing new resources and encouraging and supporting regional and national conferences on prayer. One becomes a member of the committee by invitation.

AFP (Canada) is part of the International AFP and liaison is maintained through the International Executive Committee. The National Director, the chair of the Canadian committee and one other delegate attend the meetings of the International Committee, which are held once a year.

P.O. Box 78084,
Nepean, ON
K2E 1B1


AFP (Canada) serves the church by providing prayer resources, teaching and encouragement in the work of prayer. AFP:

    1. Supports annual international conferences with teaching on prayer
    2. Encourages and supports Canadian area conferences, diocesan and parish prayer conferences, retreats and prayer workshops
    3. Maintains a network of Diocesan Representatives who serve as a contact and resource people in each diocese
    4. Develops materials for teaching days and personal help in the spiritual life
    5. Provide information about good resources in spirituality and makes them available by mail order
    6. Arranges seminars in biblically based spirituality for Bishops, clergy and laity


AFP (Canada) is a charitable organization in accordance with the provisions of the Canadian Income Tax Act.

AFP (Canada) is financed primarily from donations received from individuals.

All who work for AFP (Canada) are volunteers and receive no salary or remuneration from AFP. The financial resources of AFP (Canada) are expended on the following types of things:

    1. The purchase of resources, e.g. brochures, pamphlets, audio and videotapes for distribution, and in some cases re-sale, to interested people and for use at Workshops, Seminars, Synods and special events (approx. 25%)
    2. Travel expenses for National Director and Committee members where appropriate (approx. 43%)
    3. Administrative expenses, e.g. Correspondence, Postage, production costs of the Canadian Newsletter, etc. (approx 9%)
    4. Contribution to the work of International AFP (aprox. 23%)

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!\

Frequently Asked Questions

Guidelines and Handbooks

Guidelines for AFP Parish Representatives

Handbook for AFP Diocesan Representatives

The History of the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer According to Betty Gracie


Please click here to let us know if links do not work and we will investigate and may remove them from this list. If there are sites to which you think we should be linked, please let us know that too. Thanks.

This is the official web site of the International Anglican Fellowship of Prayer. It is regularly updated and contains much worthwhile information. Well worth the visit.

The web Site for the Anglican Church of Canada. This site is in English only.

Anglicans Online is a web site of general and interesting information about the Anglican Communion. It contains news and more. It is well worth the visit. This site is in English only.


The Diocese of Huron