Come pray with us – 2017

Lord teach us how to pray Luke 11:1

Now in our 34th year, the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Canada) continues to encourage and support the development, understanding and practice of prayer for individuals and communities, always looking for new ways to respond to current needs and trends in the church and in the world around us.

AFP (Canada) YouTube Channel:

As providing resources are central to our mandate, we are always looking for ways to share as broadly as possible materials that can be used to encourage prayer in a wide range of situations. This past year we have been working on the development of an AFP (Canada) YouTube Channel. In the months ahead, materials will be posted on this channel that could be used for local events and gatherings of all sizes. For more information about this, and accompanying support materials, please visit our YouTube channel.

Prayers of the People:

This was a joint initiative with the Society of St John the Evangelist, in the format of an online prayer wall, challenging prayers to share a daily themed prayer on social media. We started with “Canada Prays” in autumn 2016. Anyone can sign up to receive a daily prayer in the email at

Thy Kingdom Come:

Similar in structure to, this initiative by the Archbishop of Canterbury encourages a global wave of prayer, online and through a variety of prayer events and vigils. Anglican Fellowship of Prayer participated in 2017; plans are already underway for 2018.

Resourcing the Newly Ordained:

Did you know that since 1996, thanks to the generosity of Nan Henderson, and the tireless efforts of our Resource Co-ordinator Paul Dumbrille, the AFP has been making resources available to the newly ordained? While we are tweaking exactly how this is done, ensuring that resources are in the hands of those beginning new ministry is of key importance. If you are newly ordained or know of someone who is, and have not heard from us, please let us know and we will be in touch.

Oh My God: Making Prayer a Priority – June 4-8, 2018 – St John’s College, University of Manitoba.

Every three years AFP (Canada) sponsors a national gathering where diocesan representatives and others interested in prayer, come together to consult, to encourage, to learn and to be inspired in their work. In 2018 we will be meeting in Winnipeg around the theme of Making Prayer a Priority in our lives, in our parishes, and in our world. Please set these dates aside and plan on attending.

As the work of the National Executive has no outside means of financial support, we are instead extending an invitation to our praying partners, to invest ourselves through the resources that God has given us by sharing our energy, our prayers, and our money, and, in this work to which God has called us all by making a donation of any size for which you will receive a tax receipt.

This donation can be made by clicking below,

Donate Now Through!\

Or by sending your gift including your name and address to:
Anglican Fellowship of Prayer,
P.O. Box 78084,
Nepean, ON
K2E 1B1

We thank you in advance for your commitment to this important work. If you have anything that you would like to share with us at any time, we are always pleased to hear from you. See contact information below. Yours in prayer and service,

Ven. Paul Feheley
AFP (Canada) National Director

Rev’d Valerie Kenyon
AFP (Canada) Executive Chair