Lent Bulletin

March 1– April 15, 2017

The season of Lent provides us with an opportunity to cultivate the interior life through spiritual exercises and practices. It can be a time of rediscovery; a valuable chance to open ourselves more deeply to the beauty and power of the dying and rising to new life in Jesus. It is a time to ponder the reality of Christ’s death and resurrection and to allow it to soak into our deepest parts. New life and hope come to us in self-examination.  Every Christian is called to purposeful reflection on one’s need for God; each individual’s response to that call is an important factor in choosing how one will observe Lent. Through the centuries, Lent became characterized by practices which typify the meaning of this season, namely:

Prayer; Paying attention to God;

Fasting; Reminding ourselves of our hunger for God; and

Almsgiving. Giving of ourselves to others.

Prayer for Lent

Lord of the journey of life, help us to listen up and pay attention to your voice and not be distracted by the noise of life and the constant appeal to satisfy our wants. Lead us to the places where we might be challenged by competing voices, but where we listen to our hearts and know who you are and who we are to you, and thus who we are to be. In the hard places, may we hear the affirmation of your love and presence with us. Summon us again to your way. Beckon us on the journey to the cross. For you are our Christ.


Our Mission

We seek to increase and strengthen the companionship of prayer throughout the world. We believe that the essence of the life of the Church is the relationship between Jesus Christ and its members. That relationship is, first of all, a prayer relationship. Prayer is the hub of the wheel that moves the Church in its worship and its work. Since prayer is essential to the vitality and the ongoing life of the Church, the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer seeks to share with all Christians the spiritual empowerment of the churches by: teaching people how to pray; developing effective prayer groups; calling the Church always to give prayer its rightful priority; and much more.

Did you know that you can pray right along with the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer Canada or sign up to receive daily noonday prayer emails? AFP invites Churches across Canada to learn about writing and sharing prayers. For more information visit prayersofthepeople.org.

Find Out More

The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer,
PO. BOX 78084,
Nepean, ON , K2E 1B1

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